Breast changes during menopause

Breast changes during menopause

Like so many other things during the menopause, the hormonal carousel can also affect the breasts. The breasts may feel sore, the size of the bust may change and fluid may come out of the nipples. In this article, we take a deep dive into this topic and learn more about breast changes during menopause.


Sore breasts during menopause

Experiencing breast and nipple soreness during menopause is a common symptom. It is due to the hormonal changes during menopause. Some women report sore mammary glands and nipples that increase in size and then return to their original size. Breast tenderness can be an early sign of the menopause, which is commonly experienced before menopause.

If you feel that your breasts or nipples are sore, you can try applying cold compresses or a heating pad where it hurts. Both cold, in the form of cold compresses, and heat, with a heating pad, can relieve the pain. If you have a lot of discomfort, you can try over-the-counter painkillers, which can also relieve the pain.


Bust size can change during the menopause

Why do some women notice that they get a larger bust during the menopause? This can be explained by the body reducing the production of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. At the same time, fatty tissue increases. The breasts contain fatty tissue, which means that the size of the bust also increases. At the same time, the tissue loses its strength and elasticity, making the bust less supple.


Breast cyst during menopause

Breast cysts are common around the age of menopause, as the glandular tissue in the breasts turns into fatty tissue. If the cyst grows rapidly, it can be painful. If it is very painful, the cyst can be removed, but in most cases it will grow back on its own. Seek medical attention if the cyst reappears in the same place or if you are worried that it could be something else, such as breast cancer.


Nipple discharge during the menopause

Nipple discharge during the menopause, and during several other stages of life, is quite common and usually harmless. However, if the fluid is brownish or bloody, it can be a sign of cellular changes, although this is a rare symptom. If you experience nipple discharge that is bloody or brownish in colour, we recommend that you seek medical attention.

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