Mental health problems during the menopause

Mental health problems during the menopause

Menopause is a natural phase of life that all women go through, but it often comes with a range of physical and psychological changes. In particular, many women experience various mental health issues during the menopause, and these challenges can be overwhelming and sometimes difficult to understand. In this text, we will review the psychological aspects of the menopause and explore the common complaints that women may face, including anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating and menopausal fatigue.

Depression and sadness during menopause

Feeling low, sad and even depressed during the menopause is unfortunately not at all uncommon. One reason for depression during the menopause is that the levels of oestrogen drop, which also reduces the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin stabilises your mood, so when it drops, it can make you feel extra depressed and may even make you cry more during the menopause.

Anxiety and menopause during menopause

Anxiety and worry during the menopause are other mental health problems that women may encounter. The sex hormone progesterone has a calming effect. When it drops, you may experience sleeping problems, anxiety and irritability. The anxiety is not necessarily due to changes in hormones alone, but can also be related to major life changes that may occur during this time of life.

Night-time anxiety can be particularly noticeable during the menopause. Poor sleep also affects your overall health and can exacerbate both mood and physical symptoms. Managing menopausal anxiety requires understanding and sometimes professional help.

Other problems: Fatigue, anger and difficulty concentrating during menopause

In addition to anxiety and depression, women may experience stress, fatigue and anger during the menopause. These challenges can have a significant impact on a woman's daily life and well-being. In addition to changing hormones, other menopausal symptoms can also cause you to feel angry and exhausted during the menopause. For example, hot flashes and sleep problems can have a very negative impact on your mood. Make sure you try to get enough sleep and establish good sleeping habits. Read more about menopausal sleep problems here.

Thinking skills are also affected in the menopause, so allow yourself to slow down during this period. Some women describe it as a menopausal brain fog, where they feel extra forgetful and have difficulty concentrating.

Seeking help and support during the menopause

The bottom line is that menopause can be very mentally challenging! Dealing with these mental health issues can also feel overwhelming, but don't hesitate to seek help if you need it!

Seeking support from health professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists and other specialists, can make a big difference. Treatment for depression or treatment for menopausal anxiety can include, for example, counselling or antidepressants. There is also menopausal hormone therapy that can alleviate many symptoms.

It also requires understanding that these problems are a normal part of the menopause and not something to be ashamed of. It is the first step towards better mental health and quality of life.

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