Efemia Academy Webinar Series
Learn more about Efemia, incontinence and what solutions you can offer to your patients in a four part webinar series.
Each webinar address a particular aspect of incontinence and highlight what solutions Efemia can assist with.

Environmentally friendly
Efemia Bladder Support is reusable. One Bladder Support is equivalent to four incontinence pads in terms of carbon footprint. Replacing incontinence pads with Efemia saves an average of 29 kg of waste per year!

How to prescribe Efemia in UK
- Efemia Bladder Support is available on prescription on NHS. If you are not prescribing yourself, simply download, print and fill out the Prescription Advice Form here.
- Then give the form to your patient and ask her to visit her family GP who will prescribe Efemia for her. Efemia is available on prescription in most areas of the UK. Your pharmacist can then dispense Efemia having ordered from iMEDicare directly on 01923237795 or orders@imedicare.co.uk

Anatomical poster
Poster to easily showcase how Efemia Bladder Support is positioned.
Frequently asked patient questions
How do I know which size I should use?
If you’re not sure, it’s best simply to test and see, starting with the smallest size. If it doesn’t work for you, go up a size. And, even if the smallest size does works for you, it might be an idea to try a larger size for comparison’s sake. Smaller doesn’t always mean more comfortable. In the start-set with all three sizes of Efemia you can find out which size works best for you and do so in the comfort of your own home.
How many times can I re-use Efemia Bladder Support?
You can re-use the device as many times as you need up to 16 hours per day during the 3 month lifetime of the product.
How do I know that I need Efemia Bladder Support?
It can take some time before pelvic floor exercises produce results, so it’s essential to keep at it. The Efemia Bladder Support can be an option for you until you feel the desired effect from your pelvic floor exercises. Then you don't have to worry about leaks in the meantime.
Not finding what you're looking for?
In the UK? Give us a call +441923237795 or send an email to contact@imedicare.co.uk
In Australia? Give us a call +61754770976 or send an email to info@pelvicfloorexercise.com.au
In Sweden? Write us an email to care@efemia.se