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How to prescribe Efemia
- Efemia Bladder Support is available on prescription on NHS. If you are not prescribing yourself, simply download, print and fill out the Prescription Advice Form here.
- Then give the form to your patient and ask her to visit her family GP who will prescribe Efemia for her. Efemia is available on prescription in most areas of the UK. Your pharmacist can then dispense Efemia having ordered from iMEDicare directly on 01923237795 or orders@imedicare.co.uk

patient information
Patient broschures
Broschures about Efemia Bladder Support for your patients.
Healthcare professionals information
Clinician's guide
Everything you need to know about Efemia Bladder Support, gathered in one place.
Not finding what you're looking for?
In the UK? Give us a call 01923237795 or write us an email orders@imedicare.co.uk
In Sweden? Write us an email care@efemia.se